佐伊·达奇10.0 演员介绍
影人简介 Zoey Deutch, 18, comes from a showbiz family of musicians and actors going back two generations. Growing up in Los Angeles, her parents (actress Lea Thompson and director Howard Deutch) knew acting was in the genes when Zoey would play out scenes with her dolls, and weep for the Barbie that was down on her luck. This kind of dedication showed up a few years later, when she began landing comedic and dramatic roles in both film and television at the ripe age of 15. Zoey was a serious dancer as a child excelling in ballet, competitive jazz, and tap. She was a double major in both theatre and visual arts at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, while simultaneously studying at the Young Actors Space with Patrick Day. Her first leading role was in the indie flick, MAYOR CUPCAKE, where she played real life mom Lea Thompson's daughter - a small town girl, with big time political aspirations. Shortly thereafter, Zoey was cast in the Disney Channel's SUITE
影人简介 Zoey Deutch, 18, comes from a showbiz family of musicians and actors going back two generations. Growing up in Los Angeles, her parents (actress Lea Thompson and director Howard Deutch) knew acting was in the genes when Zoey would play out scenes with her dolls, and weep for the Barbie that was down on her luck. This kind of dedication showed up a few years later, when she began landing comedic and dramatic roles in both film and television at the ripe age of 15. Zoey was a serious dancer as a child excelling in ballet, competitive jazz, and tap. She was a double major in both theatre and visual arts at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, while simultaneously studying at the Young Actors Space with Patrick Day. Her first leading role was in the indie flick, MAYOR CUPCAKE, where she played real life mom Lea Thompson's daughter - a small town girl, with big time political aspirations. Shortly thereafter, Zoey was cast in the Disney Channel's SUITE LIFE ON DECK series; where she played Zach's love interest Maya, and charmed dedicated fans of the show all over the world. She guest starred on two hit shows, CRIMINAL MINDS: SUSPECT BEHAVIOR and NCIS, which lead to her landing the role of Willow Turner in the coveted Marc Cherry pilot HALLELUJAH. Though the show was not picked up, Zoey bounced back immediately after she was cast as Sarah Michelle Gellar's troubled stepdaughter, Juliet Martin, in the CW's RINGER. The show became one of the network's biggest hits, and allowed Zoey to spread her wings in a part that required a lot of conflict and complexity from a 16 year old. Now, she is promoting her work on the highly anticipated movie BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, adapted from the beloved teen book series. Zoey stars alongside Viola Davis, Emma Thompson, and Jeremy Irons as Emily Asher - a popular high schooler, who covers her hurt and humanity with her southern belle sass. 早年经历 佐伊·达奇出生在美国洛杉矶,她从5岁开始学习表演课程。佐伊·达奇在犹太教的环境中长大,在13岁进行了犹太女性的成人仪式。佐伊·达奇先后在奥克伍德学校、洛杉矶县艺术高中进行了学习。在洛杉矶县艺术高中就读时,她主修了戏剧和视觉艺术,并跳过九年级,提前一年拿到了毕业证书。此外,她还一名政治学导师的指导下学习了宪法,并在洛杉矶县立艺术博物馆学习了艺术课程。 演艺经历 2010年,参演迪士尼原创情景喜剧《小查与寇弟的游轮生活》,从而进入演艺圈。2011年,与莉·汤普森、贾德·尼尔森共同出演喜剧片《纸杯蛋糕市长》;同年,在莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉主演的悬疑电视剧《替身姐妹》中饰演上流社会名士安德鲁·马丁的女儿朱丽叶。 2012年,在马克·韦布执导的科幻动作片《超凡蜘蛛侠》中饰演一名绯闻女孩。2013年,与爱丽丝·恩格勒特共同参演奇幻爱情片《美丽生灵》。 2014年2月,与露西·弗雷搭档主演的校园喜剧《吸血鬼学院:嗜血姐妹》上映,佐伊·达奇在片中饰演了半吸血鬼萝丝·海瑟薇,她凭借该片入围第16届青少年选择奖的最佳喜剧电影女演员奖。2015年12月,电影网站TCCandler评出“全球最美脸蛋”,佐伊·达奇排在第16名。 2016年1月,与扎克·埃夫隆、罗伯特·德尼罗联袂主演的喜剧电影《下流祖父》上映,佐伊·达奇在片中饰演擅长拍摄风景的女主角莎迪雅;3月,与泰勒·霍奇林共同主演的喜剧电影《各有少年时》上映;12月23日,与詹姆斯·弗兰科搭档主演的喜剧电影《为什么是他?》在美国上映,饰演爸妈眼里的乖乖女斯蒂芬妮;12月27日,电影网站TCCandler评出“全球最美脸蛋”,佐伊·达奇排在第21名。 2017年1月,佐伊·达奇领衔主演的青春悬疑片《忽然七日》在第33届圣丹斯国际电影节首映,饰演陷入生命轮回的莎蔓莎,她凭借该片入围第19届青少年选择奖最佳剧情电影女演员奖;9月,与尼古拉斯·霍尔特共同出演的人物传记片《麦田里的反叛者》在北美上映;同年,参演艾德·希兰的歌曲MV《Perfect》;此外,她还担任了喜剧电影《壮年之年》的制片人以及主演,饰演女主角伊西幸福的妹妹塞布丽娜。 2018年3月,佐伊·达奇领衔主演的喜剧电影《花季少女》公映,她在片中饰演洛杉矶的麻烦少女Erica;随后,主演爱情喜剧片《牵线》,与格伦·鲍威尔发生了一段恋爱戏;7月,与露西·宝通共同参演由瑞恩·墨菲等人主创的喜剧剧集《政客》;9月,与约翰尼·德普、丹尼·休斯顿共同主演的喜剧电影《教授》在多伦多电影节上映;此外,她还主演了由谭雅·维克斯勒执导的喜剧片《欺骗》,饰演债务缠身的女骗子PegDahl。 2019年,与伍迪·哈里森、杰西·艾森伯格等人共同主演喜剧恐怖电影《丧尸乐园2:双击》。 个人生活 家庭 佐伊·达奇的父亲是导演霍华德·达奇,母亲是演员莉·汤普森。她的姐姐梅德林·达奇也是一名演员。 感情 2012年,佐伊·达奇与加拿大男演员阿万·乔贾开始交往,二人于2017年分手。 获奖记录 青少年选择奖 2017第19届青少年选择奖最佳剧情电影女演员《忽然七日》(提名) 2014第16届青少年选择奖最佳喜剧电影女演员《吸血鬼学院:嗜血姐妹》(提名) 人物评价 佐伊·达奇是一个“魅惑天使”,冷艳而性感。她五官小巧精致,属于有颜、有气质的清新系小美女。虽然她在银幕上是甜心女孩,但私下经常走逗比路线,这给人一种反差萌。如果稍事打扮,佐伊·达奇又会给人一种古典小仙女的感觉。佐伊·达奇结合了父母的优秀表演基因,拥有很宽的戏路子,所饰演的角色也很多元。通过电影《各有少年时》,佐伊·达奇展现了自己的柔和之美。在《吸血鬼学院:嗜血姐妹》中,佐伊·达奇又向观众展示了自己的精彩喜剧表演天赋。